
Covid 19 and Future War Threat

These days each one is thinking about corona’s end, but its rapidly increasing day by day, astrologers, numerologists, and other occult expert giving their guessing but seems nothing working, even I am waiting for corona ending as my documentary release is pending, many requesting for reading, friends pinging on Whatsapp, sending emails and asking solution.

I wonder how to tell them a solution when there is no solution, For such things “only time” is the solution. 

Jokes apart, I was aware that something big has to happen in 2020 but honestly speaking even I was not aware that it would be in the form of a pandemic as I was expecting in the form of earthquakes, floods, or it could be wartime but didn’t think about the pandemic corona.

Introduction :

Well, Since April my eyes are watching the movement of nodes (especially Rahu, as per numerologically it’s a year of Rahu) so disturbances will be there a whole year, the next year 2021 would be a disturbing year again at least till July, I will show you calculation portion also for my words here.

Many astrologer and numerologist are producing yearly horoscopes for their clients mentioning it would be a beautiful year for them, as its quite common in India and it happens each year’s end where numerologist, astrologers, tarot readers, giving their predictions during starting of each new year even when predictions fails many times and that’s why I say “Task of watching future is well-known” business now”, especially in India and few more countries. 

These days YouTube is full of uncertain and meaningless predictions, I just wonder many of them are expert astrologers and occultist, Each day they coming with the same predictions with different words with no astrological meaning and behaving like they are reading well-written prophecies of old time, and later demanding subscribers and acting as a YouTuber more than an astrologer.

Anyways what others doing is not my job, and I am writing this articles for my dear friends and sharing my tiny knowledge in the form of calculations which I have done for myself just a month ago because even my work has stopped due to this idiot corona, but the problem seems more than my expectation.

Role of Transit in Mundane :

As we all know that, In worldly matter “Transit” is always a good tool to use in astrology, however, there are many ways which people using for predictions, India having many shastra’s and knowledge which are quite helpful in terms of making predictions. 

So Yeah, we will use transit to get the possible answer, I know many of you must be reading this article just to get the answer of pandemic end and even might be not familiar with such a tricky mathematical astrology calculation.

So, we will discuss pandemics first then will move to war threat (Because that’s all we have to face this whole year or even next coming year).

Nostradamus is quite a famous name in terms of prophecies; I read a few of his books (I think the book is the same but the different versions of the same book I should say) and about his predictions that “in near around 2020 (He also calling it a world wartime in his prophecies in the language of proverbs which are quite typical to understand), that world will be in crisis due to Chinese chemical weapon (the word which he has used for “Corona” as Chinese Rasayan many years ago), however, I don’t know the truth of this prophecy as there are many stories are going on against Nostradamus, But that’s true since 2012, I am aware of this prophecy as read his book long ago, and this one is gone correct, but he has not mentioned solution and this prediction is more scaring when we combine it with world war 3, it’s like almost finishing the world. 

But I think it’s just a prophecy with neither the calculation part mention nor any planetary alignment that has been discussed in the book, so better leave it as a prophecy and we will discuss our manual calculation.

As we cast our yearly horoscope in astrology to see what is going to happen with us in a specific year, so in the same way, we can cast a year chart for mundane astrology also and can prepare a yearly horoscope for our country.

However, covid is a worldly issue because the entire world is suffering from it –

Covid msg 1

Hindu New Year Horoscopes:

Our Hindu new year start with Chaitra Shukla Pratipada (Also famous as chaitra Navratra), So in Yr 2020 Chaitra navratra was on 25 march, however pratipada tithi started just a day before on 24 march 2020 at 14:59:33 PM and use the Capital Delhi as Place, and Now cast a horoscope.

Note: To cast the New Year progression chart, First find Tithi starting time and date and feed it into software to cast a yearly horoscope, sharing horoscopes in North Indian and South Indian format so that max audience may take profit from my article.

New Year Horoscope 2020

New yr 2020

Refer the highlighted area and If you know few basics then you will understand very easily that, Why each astrologer calling Mars and Saturn conjunction in 7th house as war like situation.

In 1962, When India china war happen then mars and Saturn was Sam Saptak (you can call it 1-7 axis or just opposite to each other), This time again they are conjunct within 5 degrees and created a war situation, however mars was debilitated in 1962 war with China, but this time situation is something else.

Saturn and Mars placement in 7th house of yearly progression chart giving this alarm, Mars is exalted and Saturn in own sign (in D-1 & D-9 Both) is clear indication if war happens loss will be much for both the end’s.

Exaltation of mars is yearly chart of India is another indication that if anyone threatens India in any form then response from India will be very aggressive, Saturn is 7th & 8th lord placed in 7th house of war (Saturn is also Gnatikaraka by the angle of Jaimini, A Problem creator) is a fatal sign for mundane astrology.

So at least that msg is true for china, “It’s not India of 1962”.

Navamsa Chart For Yr 2020

New yr 2020 D-9

In D-1, Lagnesh moon is in 9th house with Sun In Exact Degree in Both the varga (D-1 & D9) in the year chart causing strong Amavashya Dosh, however again in navamsa D-9 Amavasya dosh repeating itself.

Note : Here you can see bit degree difference due to software however Sun and moon conjunction is on exact degree in D-1 & D-9 both (This conjunction is also known as Amavasya dosha in vedic astrology ).

This is not for war only, Transit wise Now Sun-facing Saturn, so Till Aug 2020’s end flood crises will be there in major Indian states.

Normally flood happens each year but this year it will be much worse in most Indian states, and apart from India, flood news you may hear from different countries also.

India got freedom in Taurus Lagna (during freedom muhurta, the fixed sign was rising in Lagna and it was best Abhijit Muhurat, Which is very good for India), Rahu is in the first house in his good sign Taurus.

At present India passing from Moon Maha Dasha and Saturn Antar Dasha (This is mainly disturbing and a threat time), this Saturn Bhukti under Moon maha Dasha will end next year till June-July 2021, So at least till that time we are in danger time zone (Not good In the sense of war and disturbing time from many angles).

Note : Please Consider 10-15 Days up and Down because I have done all the calculations through software and different-different software giving different-different dates from dasha starting and dasha ending, So whatever result I am showing here through my calculations and mentioning the dates, So please consider 10-15 days up and down.

Now read the article very carefully and focus on the words because showing you the result (which you people call prediction part) portion of my above calculations –

As I wrote above, India is passing through Moon Mahadasha and Saturn Antar Dasha which will end till July 2021 seems a disturbing time (Because both are enemy to each other and create Vish Dosh when conjunct in a chart, however here it’s just Dasha and bhukti), Another reason calling this time danger is “When you create yr progression chart for 2021, Then you will find Mars and Rahu occupied the Lagna forming angaraka dosh –

New Year Horoscope 2021

New yr 2021

Again signal for disturbances and mars and Rahu is in the Lagna again indicating that 2021 again can’t be a peaceful full year in any sense(including terrorism).

In the year 2021 in the month of Feb again six planets conjunction will be there which is not good in mundane astrology and having a negative impact for India, so overall till July 2021(Till Moon +Saturn Bhukti end) we are in danger time Phase.

Next question is what can we expect during this time??

Covid Relief Time :

In the year 2020, the first time one good time is coming in Aug 2020 which may fall near around 17 to 18 Aug when five planets will be in happy mode and will occupy their own sign as follows –

  • Sun in Leo (Own Sign)
  • Saturn in Capricorn (Own Sign)
  • Jupiter in Sagittarius (Own Sign)
  • Mars in Aries (Own Sign)
  • Moon in Cancer (Own Sign)

Apart from above Rahu and Ketu will be in Gemini and Scorpio (soon will move to Taurus and Scorpio in 23 Sep 2020).

So we can expect something good in terms of pandemic, recovery rates will improve much, also many clinical trials are going on in many countries and but no has declared final result yet, This may be a good time when clinical researches getting success and within few month vaccine will be available in the market, however main relief will come by the transit of nodes (Rahu and Ketu), till 23 Sep 2020 Rahu will move in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio May start giving actual relief, But make sure it will not end covid issues completely and time to time you will be hearing the news that someone found covid infected (Applicable worldwide) however till then vaccines will be there for maintaining such issues, This bit covid fear will be there till mid of 2022 at least. 

However, there will be an open-world again – 

Covid msg 3

War or World War III :

Now let’s discuss the next issues which are “War or World War III“

Am I predicting about war or World war??

So the answer is War, I don’t see any world war happening in the present time or even in near future, At least till 2025 for sure.

War promises are available in Asian countries even few more countries may face the war-like critical situation but no chance for world war, world war means all the major countries fighting with each other and such situation is not coming in my calculation. So it could be a fatal war in Asia but not a world war.

Crisis may be there in USA even as recession time is entering soon in America.

United States Of America :


USA passing through Rahu Maha Dasha placed in retro mercury In 12th house of losses, also debilitated in D-9, Chara dasha wise USA passing Capricorn chara Dasha and from Nov 2020 Aquarius Bhukti will start where Gnati karaka moon in placed lagna (In dasha lagna chart)… and Atma karaka Saturn will fall in 8th house along with aspects of all major karaka in 8th (Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mars), I just wonder whether USA elections would be held or not, Because this time will give many disturbances in the USA at least till FEB 2021 last.

Saturn is not a good planet for Leo ascendant, Saturn transiting from the 6th house of USA horoscope, 2nd and half year it will pass from 7th house and another 2 and a half year from 8th house so at least 2026-27, USA has a bad phase, there is a threat for currency means dollar value may down in coming future.   

The USA may put restrictions on other countries like China, Iraq, Pakistan, etc, which may create a seed for world war III, but It’s not going to happen so soon.

As far as Asian countries are concerned, So I have already shown the Indian year progression chart with calculations for the year 2020-2021 (Mars +Rahu in Lagna in yr 2021), disturbances are there, however, the main point is, we are expecting a fight with china but calculations indicating a fight with Pakistan also, Refer to the horoscope again one by one –

China Horoscope :

China horosocpe

China having Capricorn ascendant and its lord Saturn placed in 8th house in the enemy sign Leo, at present Saturn transiting in Capricorn means from Lagna and natal moon which means china facing Sade Sati of Saturn, also facing Maha Dasha of retro mercury which is closely afflicted by Ketu and Sun in D-1, And afflicted in D-9 by Mars and Saturn, So call it a painful time for china.

However the main fatal is visible when you use Chara Dasha of Jaimini, As from October 2020 onwards Chara Dasha of Taurus will start for china (Till 2025), So make Taurus as Lagna and rotate the chart and see Atma Karaka Jupiter falling in 8th house and getting aspect of Sun (Gnatikarak) and Mercury (Matru Karaka) in 8th house, so chara maha Dasha does not showing good time for china, however when you apply antar of Aries which clearly says no direct clashes with china, but china won’t leave a chance to maintain enmity with India as Sun, Mercury, Ketu will be in 6th house under the aspect of Rahu and Jupiter (Atma Karaka). 

Note: Here I am not giving entire calculations to maintaining the length of the article, only Dasha result will be discussed, and I am using seven karaka system for Jaimini calculations and please apply Rashi Drishti when I am talking about Jaimini, as applying Grah Drishti (planetary aspect) mislead you certainly.

However year progression chart is similar for India, china and Pakistan (as all three are neighbors and nearby countries) with nominal degree difference in lagna but giving different navamsa’s for all three, All three asian countries having war yoga available in their progression chart, however you can make this picture clear more by applying multiple dasha systems, As I did above for china, Now doing for India and Pakistan also –

Pakistan Horoscope :

Pakistan horoscope

Pakistan facing Mahadasha and Antar of combusted Venus (Marak) and Saturn Bhukti will start from Oct 2020 onwards both are afflicted by Ketu from 8th house in the main birth chart, and Both are in Paap Kartari dosha in Navamsa, Can’t call it a good time for Pakistan (Signal for internal tension and disputes).  

As per Jaimini calculation, Pakistan passing Scorpio Chara Dasha at present and Chara Dasha of Scorpio falls in the 8th house of Pakistan, In Scorpio maha Dasha & Antar Dasha of jaimini will start from December onwards, From Scorpio jaimini is the 8th house again where mars and moon will fall (Mars is lord of main Lagna as well as Scorpio Dasha Lagna), an indication of bad time from this angle as well for Pakistan.

Now refer the horoscope of India below –

India Horoscope :


India passing from Moon Maha Dasha, however Under Moon Maha dasha, Saturn Dasha seems most problematic, which will end till July 2021, so whatever event has to happen, will happen within this time.

Refer Chara Dasha Section; India is changing its chara maha Dasha by Aug 2020 and Maha Dasha of Aquarius will start, Make the Aquarius as Lagna and rotate the chart to make dasha Lagna, Now read the promises of Maha Dasha –

First of all, It’s a Dasha of 10th house of Indian horoscope, when you make Aquarius as lagna all major planets will fall into 6th house (Several odds are visible), But from 6th house all the planets (VE+Me+SA+Su+Mo) aspecting Lagna as well as 10th house, which is a great sign of rising and getting reputation in Jaimini astrology. So India will face this chara maha Dasha till 2027 and surely India will earn great recognition and appreciations worldwide during this phase even despite all odds (you can also call it a transformation time for India).

Saturn is yoga Karaka planet for India, Lord of 10th house of Indian horoscope is transiting from 9th house at present and later going to transit from 10th house so at least till 2025, even transit showing good in multiple sense.

Well, at present Jupiter is in Own sign Dhanu (Sagittarius), soon will move into its debilitation sign and will join Saturn in Capricorn till Nov End so the silence which we are feeling at present in terms of war with neighboring countries (Especially with china and Pakistan), Situation may turn at sudden.   

Saturn and Jupiter in mundane are going to affect our system, you may hear unexpected changes even in the judicial system also (Just a few days ago there are major implementations that happened in our education system), so keep an eye on this too.

Another thing is Rahu movement into Taurus (May deliver relief for Covid 19 issues) but maybe bad for political sense, so indicating bad time for Indian politics and politicians even, indications for earth quacks and terror attacks also there.

Below answering few very commonly asked questions which are related to this article and very helpful for judgment, So click on the question to get the answer :

Frequently Asked Questions :

Right now I have only a few questions, however, if you have any other question or doubt about this yoga, just drop me an email or use the comment section, if I found your question related to the article then I will add that into above FAQ section with an answer for sure, but don’t misuse comment section (asking for a reading, etc) as each comment is under moderation and will be published after review.

Conclusion :

Overall, summarizing my all calculation parts in a paragraph, so that you can read the main conclusion of such long calculations, First of all, whatever bad has to happen it will happen till July 2021 max, Things will start recovering in faster mode post-July.

Covid issues will start resolving by Rahu and Ketu sign Parivartan (since 23 Sep 2020), even after it good chances are there that vaccine may be available in the market so resolve such issues, (few or more infected cases news you will be hearing time to time word wide), So we have to wait few more month for vanishing it from our life completely maybe mid of 2022.

December month of 2020 needs the attention of all in many sense (Mostly disturbances are there ) as war chances are higher from here mostly with Pakistan, China will take part also mostly indirectly but if taking directly so it will not be surprising so much. 

Another fear for earthquakes as Saturn in Capricorn and when Rahu will be in Taurus (Chances will increase for a major one, and it’s a basis of transit so predictions maybe for all countries not only for India), we are facing small earthquake jerks but there is another big one is in the waiting line, soon may appear in any part of the world (this prediction is the basis on transit so any country could be a victim).

Overall, It’s a long time forecast, Earth seems is in a changing mode, next coming years are transformational time (For the entire world, especially for India), Multiple things going to happen, India has to be a world leader or gurus in terms of knowledge and leaderships (Not in terms of money or not going to be the richest country so soon (Will be rich one but not richest country), USA China will lead in terms of financial countries).

However, after 2025, Next 2026-2027 is another alarming time, be careful here, will discuss later in details someday, it has time now, till then – 

Covid msg 2

So I have shared my opinion with you peoples, and told what my observations says to me, if anything not happening or want wrong so fault is entire mine, however if my calculations going correct so I will give this credit to Jyotish Guru Shri KN. Rao, Because I have learn jaimini from KN Rao’s Books.

If you have found this article helpful for you or If you have any feedback for this article then must share this article within your circles and use the feedback form to share feedback, it has been added for experts opinion as I am also a human neither a robot nor any god gifted mind, I can also make mistakes so if you want to discuss on any point, just feel free to use the comment section or send me feedback, if I am wrong I will consider your point and will correct myself, so must share your kind feedback (Does not matter good or bad but expecting an honest experience).

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